We residents of Princess Margriet Village were so excited as we prepared for the opening of our communal meeting place. We had waited many months and watched as the area in the center of our village was made ready for the actual structure. We needed it to be big enough for all of us and with room for more, for special occasions. As we look at it now, we see that it fits perfectly in the area on the grass, with easy access. MiCare also provided chairs and tables so that we can sit around the tables to discuss, learn, and spend time together. We have the opportunity to share and support each other. It is where we have our monthly meetings as well as birthday celebrations. We can go along for informal chats and to plan for our future.
We invited our Princess Margriet workers, including of course Michelle and Max, and our Gardeners, and Penni and Angela and Despina, our friends and family. MiCare generously gave us vouchers to buy food for our afternoon tea celebration. We started with an Acknowledgment of the Country. Michelle researched and told us the history of the Village and why it was important for its new residents. We had a red ribbon for Penni to cut so we could really say ‘The Gazebo is formally open!’ There were more than twenty people there! And we residents finished with our special song which we had practiced together ‘In The Gazebo’. This was a joyous occasion.
Thank you to MiCare for making it happen!
Our plans for the future are perhaps to write a ‘Then and Now’ history with the story of the Village, stories about us so that people in the future can see what has happened and maybe add their own stories too. We could make a place for this in The Gazebo, and of course, we would like a plaque which announces when it was opened and by whom!
~Valerie Mayer
Resident- Princess Margriet Village