How do I get funding from the government?
There are a number of government-funded programs that support older people to live at home and stay connected with their communities. These programs work by either fully or partly paid for certain services that enable you to live independently, such as personal care and domestic assistance. As an approved Care Provider for government-funded programs, MiCare provides these services to you. Below is some information about the types of government funding available.
How to apply for Government Funding

Types of Government Funding
Home Care Packages
Home Care Packages are designed to assist people with complex or intensive care needs on a long-term basis. People with Home Care Packages usually need multiple services to support them to live independently. They also require ongoing Care Management to help them manage funds and select the right services to reach their goals. There are 4 package levels with different funding amounts that correspond with the level of care required.
More about Home Care Packages
Commonwealth Home Support Program
The Home Support Program is designed to assist people who can manage with a small amount of help. Home Support funding covers services to care for basic needs such as personal care and domestic assistance. People with this type of funding generally only require 1-2 services to maintain their independence. Home Support funding also provides for services that keep you safe, and connected within the community.
More about Home Support
Veterans Home Care Program
The Veterans Home Care Program assists Veterans with low-level care needs to continue living independently by funding basic assistance services. Services that may be covered include personal care, domestic help, respite care, and safety-related home and garden maintenance. To apply for Veterans Home Care funding, you will need to contact the Department of Veterans Affairs.
More about the Veterans Home Care Program